Sunrise on the Niagara River |
Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven!
Mathew 5:3
Niagara River @ Horseshoe Falls |
Rapids leading to the Falls |
More powerful rapids |
You can't swim at this point in the river and survive very long |
*BEWARE* of strong currents! |
Peace Bridge between Fort Erie & Buffalo |
8 man crew in the jetty of the Niagara River in Buffalo, NY |
Nice trail leading to the Peace Bridge |
Jetty at the mouth of the Niagara River |
The mouth of the Niagara River...looking into Lake Erie |
Fashionable Park Bench in Buffalo, NY |
If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand? But with you is found forgiveness, O God of Israel.
Psalm 129:3-4
Appropriate bike rack in Buffalo, NY |
This Silver Buffalo sure looks happy |
Best Indian Food in Niagara Falls, NY 3rd & Main St.
When the Lord appears, we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is.
John 3:2
Although the Niagara River is small in length compared to the Mississippi it certainly has it's unique qualities. It's only one of the few that I know of in North America that flows from the south northward.. There is the Genesse River in Pennsylvania that flows into the Niagara and another River in Ohio that flows into Lake Erie, but I can't remember it's name now. The clarity and blue hues make it hard to forget. When I examine it I think it could be classified as a strait because it it separates two land masses. Are the Great Lakes really just big rivers? These large bodies of fresh water have rivers that flow into them as well as out, therefore; shouldn't they too be considered rivers and not lakes? I'm not going to argue about some definitions that most of us take for granted but sometimes I wonder what the truth about our language is and what terms are just things that we assume and agree on as truth.
Chippewa Indians were some of the earliest inhabitants of the Niagara region between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. Canada has a rich tradition of being peace loving folks. This year the Niagara region in Ontario is celebrating 200 years of PEACE.
Although I'm not a Canadian history buff, I can see that the English have a stronghold here. Queen Elizabeth dominates the currency and English tort law is one of the common practices that law students need to study and learn to become layers. From my vantage point the English funded Canadian soldiers (probably British troops away from home) to wage war against the United States. I assume this happened during the Revolutionary War when America was fighting for it's independence from English taxation. There is a historical Naval Base at Niagara On The Lake in Ontario.
I've spoken with a few Canadians about ways to improve their country and one of the things that come to my mind is "GET THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND OFF YOUR MONEY!". Although many claim she's just a figurehead, I associate her and the English government with getting a kickback of the high taxation that Canadians deal with. You're dealing with over 13% sales tax on anything you buy there. I say, "PUT SOME CANADIANS ON YOUR MONEY!"
I feel that Canada is influenced by Europe more than the United States. I know the Europeans pay a lot more in taxes than the average American. As far as I'm concerned, I prefer to pay less taxes and have less government in my life and pocketbook.
One last comment about Canada that I want to bring to your attention is the availability of pay phones. It's hard to find those in the USA these days with cell phones being so popular. |
The rich suffer want and go hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no blessing.
Psalm 33:11
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