It's time to get your gourd on! |
Let the hearts that seek the Lord rejoice; turn to the Lord and his strength; constantly seek his face.
Psalm 104:3-4
Beautiful Pennsylvania countryside |
Keystone State welcome sign |
Pine Creek flowing south |
Our Saviour Jesus Christ has abolished death and brought us to life through the Gospel.
2 Timothy 1:10
Lot's of rivers in Pennsylvania |
Pine Creek Rail Trail |
Pennsylvania, also known as the "Keystone State" has been pivotal in shaping our United States of America today. William Penn founded Pennsylvania as a colony in 1681 for persecuted members of the Society of Friends (Quakers). The colony became a friendly haven to all victims of religious persecution including German Mennonites and Amish folks. Today these people still thrive in farming communities shunning modern machinery in favor of animals and manpower to plow fields and harvest crops.
Unique Rock Formation in the mountain |
So nice to find this trail |
Handsome autumn color |
Sandy and some new Roadhouse friends...5131 RT 6 Wellsboro, PA |
More beautiful foliage |
We will ring out our joy at your saving help and exult in the name of our God.
Psalm 19:6
It's been getting cool fast so I've been dedicating my efforts at moving south ASAP to avoid becoming a human popsicle. I must say that the Allegeny mountains of central Pennsylvania are more extreme than anything I've encountered in recent history. I've had my surplus of experiences walking the grades instead of riding them. I'm not very good in extreme elevations because of the weight of my vehicle. I prefer to ride the flatter terrains (like Rail Trails next to rivers).
I associate my bike and trailer with a semi tractor trailer. The effects of the grades of the road are more extreme compared to lighter vehicles. On the downhills, it's mandatory to stay in front of my trailer and avoid using extreme steering maneuvers. My rig tends to pick up speed fast and without concern for downhill speed, I could have a extremely dangerous situation on my hands. I've heard stories about the BOB trailer I pull jackknifing and causing an accident because the trailer started moving faster than the bicycle.
Some state of the art facilities on the Pine Creek Rail Trail |
Lot's of steep grades in this centralized Pennsylvania county |
The Pine Creek Rail Trail has been my most enjoyable experience in Pennsylvania so far. It begins in Arsonia, PA and ends in Jersey Shore. This trail is located in the Allegheny National Forest which contains 500,000+ acres of dense woodland and narrow valleys. Folks around here refer to the Pine Creek Gorge as Pennsylvania's Grand Canyon because it has elevation drops of 1,000+ feet and extends over 50 miles.
Lastly, I enjoyed Lewisburg, PA where time visiting Bucknell University was well spent. The student union was quiet on Sunday and I found it to be a good place to relax and unwind.
Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, as a fragrant offering to God.
Ephesians 5:2
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