Solid line is the travels I've done this tour...dotted line is proposed route and destination |
Well, I've had a new revelation in my itinerary. Because I'm getting homesick I'd like to ride to Florida this winter and take a cruise ship back to San Diego thru the Panama Canal. According to this map however, I'd be heading back up the east coast next spring and summer. Plans to cross the north with stops in New England, Milwaukee, Yellowstone National Park and the Columbia River will not come to fruition with this new agenda. Irregardless, I want to install in your interest that my plans are subject to change and do change frequently, so only take this map with 'a grain of salt'.
Modern bridge over Lake Ontario |
'GEARS' bike shop...corner of Lake Shore Rd and Mississauga Rd...courteous staff |
Handsome condominiums in Mississauga |
Your word, O Lord, is truth; sanctify us in the truth.
John 17:17
I'm a pretty fickle traveler. I don't like to disclose to much information about where I'm going because things change. I don't want to be called a liar if I don't fulfill my original portrayed expectations. For example, when I designed this tour, I planned to circumnavigate the lower 48 states in a counterclockwise fashion. Since then however, things have changed a lot. Many people are interested in where I've been and where I'm going, so on this post I'll include a map with a proposed route. Note: this is speculation and change is highly likely. The solid pink line is where I've been (within 50 miles) and the broken pink line is where I'd like to go.
While in Ontario, I planned to go around the Lake and take a ferry across the St Lawrence River from Kingston, ON and end up in Cape Vincent , NY. Now, I've decided to take the most direct way to New York and that's thru Niagara Falls. This distance is about 1/3 of my original plan. Besides, I've never been there. I might as well take that opportunity, right? Heck, it's September and the weather won't feel summer like for to much longer according to my intuition.
The Lakefront Trail is one that designed for best access to Lake Ontario as a pedestrian or cyclist. As far as I know it goes around the Lake with several segments of road riding. Irregardless, this is a excellent trail and the experiences you'll find on it are priceless.
While traveling around the southwestern part of Lake Ontario I had great experiences visiting local fruit stands in Niagara On the Lake. Lot's of wineries around here too.
Remember your word to your servant, O Lord, by which you have given me hope. This is my comfort when I am brought low.
Psalms 118:49-50
Hardworking Janice @ EPP Farms...15896 Niagara Pkwy |
Van De Laar Orchards...15434 Niagara Pkwy |
Look for roadside Johny here...corner of Niagara Pkwy & Line 8 |
A boat exiting Hamilton Harbour underneath the Lift Bridge on Lakefront Trail |
A colorful creation |
This Market at 4025 New Street in Burlington is Canada's finest from my experience. |
NOVA...this bread shop will change your life! 3635 Cawthra Rd. Mississauga, ONT
By this we came to know the love of God:that Christ laid down his life for us; so we ought to lay down our lives for one another.
1 John 3:16 |