Yours truly posing with Wing sculpture |
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God. Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven.
Mathew 5:9-19
Ecological Art Gallery girlfriend Amelia |
Some donated works on display |
Important Environmental Educators on site |
I wanna go to the sun |
Everything's outdoors at this gallery
How great is the goodness, Lord, that you keep for those who fear you.
Psalm 30:20 |
3 Dimensional work |
Flower Painting |
Functioning outhouse |
Is this corn ready for picking? |
Impressive tobacco crop |
World's 1st and only Ecological Art Gallery |
I like ice cream cones, how about you? |
This hard working girl will weigh your blueberry pick |
Soy field of dreams? |
Canada's oldest full service filling station according the the owner in Vanessa, ONT |
Fresh From the Dirt food stand in western Dundas, ONT |
Ontario Provincial Flag with Canadian Flag |
The Father gave us birth by the word of truth, that we would become first fruits of his creation.
James 1:18
Southern Ontario's certainly been filled with lots of pleasant surprises. Most notably, the rich varied farmland. Nothing against the corn and soybean crops of the lower 48, but the diversity of crops in southern Ontario wasn't something I anticipated. Besides corn and soybeans, tobacco is a big crop in this region. I thought this was a southern crop before I visited Canada. Blue berries, blackberries, strawberries, gooseberries are common as well as ginger, ginseng, grapes, peaches, plums, cherries, nectarines, beets,tomatoes and melons. Specialty melons too! These were just the crops I witnessed as a cyclist, I'm sure there is also a long list of produce grown, but not mentioned here.
I synopsized that irrigation and demand are the reasons for such a diversity of edible Canadian produce. Although the start up costs of importing are high, the harvest yields have been profitable according to some local growers. No shortage of fresh water from rivers and lakes in this region. Self serve fresh fruit and vegetable stands are popular in the country. Basically, you take what you want and leave cash in a lock box...nice way of doing business. These rural tactics were new and welcomed discoveries. I enjoy the fresh air, big skies and quietness of the great outdoors.
A unique encounter I happened to roll up upon during a rainy day was the 'Made On Earth' outdoor Art Gallery. Although this is a work in progress, it should be in full swing for the summer season of 2013. It's being groomed to host the touring cyclist! Rick Sommer is the head honcho, he's developed the Worlds First Ecological Drive thru Art Gallery. The address is 2504 Long Woods Road Wardsville, Ontario, phone 519 693-0904. This private property has a full performance stage as well as a restroom and shower facilities. Original 3dimensional sculptures, paintings and wood carvings are also abundant. Everything in this exhibit has been donated and or been produced using donated materials. I must say that this is the most environmentally friendly exposition I've encountered.
Lands also exist where you can pick your own blueberries. You basically pick up a bucket, go out in a recommended picking area and pick as much fruit as you want. Then you bring it back, get your fresh produce weighed and pay for it. Good way to get physical with your food.